Monday, August 08, 2005


DownLoad Script
3dsMax Version: 7.0 and 7.0 +

Similar to isolate selection tool but works in polygon and vertex level. Help you doing polygon modeling or modeling polygon morpher.

Select your Polygon object, select poly or vertex what you want to isolate. Click "Isolate Poly / Vertices" button. it will give isolate view of that particular poly or vertices what you selected. Click agin to exit from Poly or vertex isolation mode.

You can use it with your poly or vertex selection sets at the time of morpher modeling when
you need random hide or unhide of polygon or vertex.

Please report bugs and additional requirements, if any, to , subject:Polygon Isolation.

V2 Changes:

Now with checkbutton ( similar UI Like Isolate Tool)
Validation on Macrosript and start additional rollout floater
Functions from max7 polygon modeling ( least chance to get bugs with Max7 or 7+ )

- Copy to your max script folder.
- Run the
- For 'customize user interface' under 'Toolbars' tab select susanta category.
- Now drag the 'Santa Isolate' action to your main toolbar